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See Our Projects
Every day, something we make makes your life better.
What do we make?
Power, we make that. Technology, we make that too. Cows. Well no, we don't make that. Although, we have made a sheep. We make medicine, food, all sorts of things. Now stop asking questions.
Military Applications
Airdropped "Bunnies"
Deadly Solar Ovens
Weaponized STIs
and more...
Pills that look like candy
Unregulated Bio-A.I.
Feline Ear Augmentations
Human Feline Ear Augmentations
and more...
Food Products
Cowless Beef
"Extra-Fun" Mac and Cheese
Aerodynamic Bagels
and more...
Sweet-Scented Light Bulbs
The Octo-Chicken
Hornet Attracting Perfume
and more...