Backward Compatibility
During the development process I will be doing my best to keep saves from an older version compatible with newer versions of the game. Because you are all doing me the honor of playing my game while it is still in development, I don't want you to have to restart the game each time a new version comes out. This won't always be possible, but in general it should be safe to play your save with the newest version.
In order to make this possible, I have created the Backwards Compatibility utility within the game itself. The link to the utility will be available as a button just above the save and restart buttons on the sidebar. When you load a save (including an autosave) from a previous version, immediately run Backwards Compatibility. For the best results, try to use a save made on the week planner page rather than a save made during the middle of the week.
The larger the difference between versions, the more likely it is that Backwards Compatibility won't work properly. You will probably be able to play, but may experience bugs during the course of play, and these may prevent content of mechanics from working properly or even be game breaking. If running Backwards Compatibility doesn't seem to work, try using an older version of the game and running it there, saving, and then trying the newest version.