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Resident Placement Test


Sometimes, you have to give someone an opportunity to fail. Because failure leads to learning, and learning is the heart of science. Or it would be, if science had a heart. Either way, the Institute cares about you. That's why we aren't going to burden you with rules* or boring information** about this test. We're giving you the freedom to fail, so that we can help you not fail.

**This test will not be used to discriminate against potential       Institute employees, unless it is. You're welcome.

*Test subjects under the influence of the mind enhancement      drug Focusol™ are prohibited from taking this test.

Don't worry. We already know who you are, so there's no need to waste time filling out your personal information. We took the liberty of finding out everything about you already, to make this quiz better. Just like the world. We're making that better too.


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©2018 by ThaumX.

This site is for adults only. 

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